
Research Interests

So far, my research focused on embedded and distributed real-time systems as well as on autonomous systems (keywords: mixed-criticality systems, scheduling theory, dependability). My PhD thesis addresses selected challenges related to quality of service in such contexts (see part “PhD thesis” on this page).

In the last few years, I developed a strong interest in the field of computer science education. Particularly, I am interested in conceptions and mental models of computer science, specifically, of artificial intelligence.

Moreover, I am interested in environmental and societal effects and aspects of computing and automation, in questions of nature of science, and in digital humanities. Regarding the latter – if you are interested in discussing with someone who feels at home in both worlds (i.e., computer science and the humanities), feel free to contact me (for clarification, refer to my CV).

Currently, my research (interest) focuses on topics related to the intersection of computer science and the humanities and on topics exclusively within the humanities. Specifically, I am (among others) interested in the reception of computer science and artificial intelligence in the literature and other media, in artificial and constructed femininity, in the history of science with a focus on women in STEM, and in (black) metal studies (including the reception of antiquity in black metal).


My publication list can also be found on Google Scholar and dblp.


Lea Schönberger and Miriam Maja Brost. “‘Einsamkeit und Dunkelheit’: Leid als Exzess im Black Metal”. In: Literatur und Exzess. Studierendenkongress Komparatistik 2024. [accepted for presentation]


Lea Schönberger, Erik Marx, and Nadine Bergner. “Workshop: Künstliche Intelligenz im Informatikunterricht – Praxisperspektiven im Gespräch“. In: INFOS 2023 – Informatikunterricht zwischen Aktualität und Zeitlosigkeit, Würzburg, Germany, September 20-22, 2023, pp. 463-464.


Lea Schönberger, Susanne Graf, Selma Saidi, Dirk Ziegenbein, and Arne Hamann: “Contract-Based Quality-of-Service Assurance in Dynamic Distributed Systems“. In: 2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2022), Antwerp, Belgium, March 14-23, 2022, pp. 132-135.


Lea Schönberger, Mohammad Hamad, Javier Velasquez Gomez, Sebastian Steinhorst, and Selma Saidi: “Towards an Increased Detection Sensitivity of Time-Delay Attacks on Precision Time Protocol“. In: IEEE Access, Volume 9, 2021, pp. 157398-157410.


Sebastian Schwitalla, Lea Schönberger, and Jian-Jia Chen: “Priority-Preserving Optimization of Status Quo ID-Assignments in Controller Area Network“. In: 2020 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2020), Virtual Conference, March 9-13, 2020, pp. 834-839.

Lea Schönberger, Georg von der Brüggen, Kuan-Hsun Chen, Benjamin Sliwa, Hazem Youssef, Aswin Karthik Ramachandran Venkatapathy, Christian Wietfeld, Michael ten Hompel, and Jian-Jia Chen: “Offloading Safety- and Mission-Critical Tasks via Unreliable Connections“. In: 32nd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2020), Virtual Conference, July 7-10, 2020, pp. 18:1-18:22.


Lea Schönberger, Georg von der Brüggen, Horst Schirmeier, and Jian-Jia Chen: “Design Optimization for Hardware-Based Message Filters in Broadcast Buses“. In: Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2019), Florence, Italy, March 25-29, 2019, pp. 606-609.

Helena Kotthaus, Lea Schönberger, Andreas Lang, Jian-Jia Chen, and Peter Marwedel: “Can Flexible Multi-Core Scheduling Help to Execute Machine Learning Algorithms Resource-Efficiently?” In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES ’19), Sankt Goar, Germany, May 27-28, 2019, pp. 59-62.


Georg von der Brüggen, Lea Schönberger, and Jian-Jia Chen: “Do Nothing, but Carefully: Fault Tolerance with Timing Guarantees for Multiprocessor Systems Devoid of Online Adaptation“. In: 23rd IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2018), Taipei, Taiwan, December 4-7, 2018, pp. 1-10.

Lea Schönberger, Wen-Hung Huang, Georg von der Brüggen, Kuan-Hsun Chen, and Jian-Jia Chen: “Schedulability Analysis and Priority Assignment for Segmented Self-Suspending Tasks“. In: 24th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2018), Hakodate, Japan, August 28-31, 2018, pp. 157-167.

PhD thesis

Perspectives on Quality of Service in Distributed and Embedded Systems

Date of the oral examination: 16.08.2023. The dissertation has not been published yet.

Abstract: As a consequence of technological advancements, a trend towards the development of smart cities has emerged, i.e., towards urban areas that comprise a multitude of sensors, actuators as well as computation and communication resources. Being integrated into buildings, infrastructure elements, and other objects, these components constitute a large and heterogeneous distributed hardware platform. Traffic participants and other actors of a smart city can use this platform in an on-demand fashion to make use of advanced functionalities such as, for instance, smart means of transportation. In fact, vehicles of different levels of autonomy rely on a smart city’s distributed infrastructure when performing sophisticated operations that come with specific quality of service (QoS) requirements, including a multitude of parameters such as timing and reliability constraints. Against the background of a shared, heterogeneous hardware infrastructure, however, guaranteeing the satisfaction of QoS requirements and, thus, ensuring the operations’ correctness is an intricate matter.
This dissertation addresses selected challenges arising in the context of smart cities, focusing on the underlying distributed system as well as on individual systems interacting with it. All challenges contemplated are related to the notion of quality of service and aim to either guarantee the satisfaction of applications’ QoS requirements or to enable the system(s) to enhance the level of service provided to (specific types of) applications. Concretely, a concept of QoS contracts concluded between the distributed system and each executed application is proposed that allows to provide QoS guarantees and, moreover, to detect contract violations. An extension of this concept including applications with robustness requirements is provided as well. For individual systems, focusing especially on smart vehicles, recovery protocols are proposed that enable the system to safely offload parts of critical applications to a smart city’s distributed system, even under unreliable connections, while ensuring the temporal correctness. In addition, an approach for the optimization of hardware message filters in controller area network is proposed by means of which the overhead due to unnecessary message inspection can be reduced, allowing to spend the saved resource capacity on the execution of other applications. All concepts and approaches contributed in this dissertation have been evaluated and shown to be effective.